Postsecondary Disability Services Online Courses

What graduate Postsecondary Disability Services courses are offered at UConn?

EPSY 5145: Issues in Postsecondary Disability Services (3-credits) Fall - REQUIRED

Instructor: Dr. Allison Lombardi

This course provides an introduction to disability services in postsecondary education. This course will focus on providing equal educational access for students with disabilities in postsecondary settings, including understanding of the historical perspective concerning access in higher education, the complexities of disability documentation, accommodations, learning strategies, high stakes testing and managing services with a variety of resources.

Based upon readings, class discussions, and assignments, students will:

  • Explain how the history of federal legislation on access to higher education for students with disabilities influences postsecondary disability services today.
  • Synthesize research on traditional and emerging trends in postsecondary disability services.
  • Analyze issues related to disability documentation and eligibility for students.
  • Select the appropriate student support services and learning strategies for postsecondary students with disabilities.
  • Create a well-defined process for determining reasonable accommodations (i.e., in testing, housing, in other non-academic areas).
  • Explain the concept of Universal Design for Instruction (UDI) and its principles to postsecondary education and disability services.
  • Evaluate the factors impacting the management of disability services in postsecondary education. 

EPSY 5146: Advanced Topics in Secondary Transition (3-credits) Fall - ELECTIVE

Instructor: Dr. Allison Lombardi

The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the common challenges facing students with disabilities in the transition to adulthood. This information will provide context to the secondary transition needs facing individuals with disabilities. Students will have the opportunity to complete comprehensive, individualized transition assessments with individuals with disabilities—from working with students with autism or learning disabilities to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder—and to develop transition plans based on these assessments. Further, individuals will develop plans for providing community-based instruction for individuals with disabilities. Throughout the course, the importance of person-centered planning, encouraging self-determination and self-advocacy, and involving individuals and families in the assessment and transition programming process will be stressed.

EPSY 5140: Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities (3-credits) Spring - ELECTIVE

Instructor: Dr. Allison Lombardi

This course focuses on an examination of relevant legislation and recommended practices related to person-centered transition planning for students with disabilities in post-school and adult life, including postsecondary education, employment, community participation, and independent living.

The course objectives correspond the standards set forth in the Council for Exceptional Children’s (CEC) “Specialty Set: Advanced Special Education Transition Specialist”. Based upon readings, class discussions, and assignments, students will:

  • Examine philosophies that guide how people with disabilities have been and are viewed in society.
  • Understand the history of adult outcomes for people with disabilities.
  • Become familiar with federal laws and state initiatives pertaining to transition services for students with disabilities.
  • Understand theories and philosophies relating to transition planning.
  • Understand terminology associated with transition planning.
  • Examine recommended practices in transition planning as they are applied in the field of secondary special education.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the transition planning process including approaches to assessment.
  • Consider elements of transition planning within the context of culturally and linguistically diverse youth and their families.
  • Become familiar with community trends related to employment and postsecondary education for students.
  • Become familiar with community resources outside the public school that contribute to the transition and adult outcomes of individuals with disabilities.
  • Become familiar with professional organizations and networks related to secondary transition.
  • Explore interagency collaboration and other problem solving skills to assist in the transition process.

EPSY 5199: Independent Study in Education – Assistive Technology in Postsecondary Education (3-credits) Spring - REQUIRED

Co-instructors: Dr. Allison Lombardi/Tabitha Mancini

The course is offered through the University of Connecticut's Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability and runs in conjunction with the University of Connecticut’s eCampus. This course will introduce students to the world of assistive technology in higher education for students with disabilities. The course will begin with a historical perspective of assistive technology as it relates to the academic success of its students. Students will be introduced to examples of assistive hardware, software and mobile devices through specific disabilities. Students will also be given the tools to advocate for AT devices at their campuses no matter their financial capability.

Based upon readings, class discussions, and assignments, students will:

  • Provide a working definition of assistive and emerging technology.
  • Understand the laws that govern the use of assistive technology in higher education.
  • Develop strategies for advising students with disabilities transitioning from high school about the assistive technology process in higher education.
  • Differentiate key AT categories by function, including high tech and low tech hardware and software.
  • Evaluate appropriate pieces of technology according to a student’s specific disability and academic needs.
  • Develop strategies for advising faculty on which accessible technologies they will use to supplement their courses.
  • Create an assistive technology institution-wide resource map of what the institution has currently compared with what a student might need.
  • Evaluate the accessibility of these resources and develop institutional assistive technology guidance or policies.
  • Research alternative financing and professional development for assistive technology needs.
  • Be aware of federal and state initiatives to support assistive technology. 

EPSY 5199: Independent Study in Education – Assistive Technology in Postsecondary Education (3-credits) Spring - REQUIRED

Co-instructors: Dr. Allison Lombardi/Tabitha Mancini

The course is offered through the University of Connecticut's Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability and runs in conjunction with the University of Connecticut’s eCampus. This course will introduce students to the world of assistive technology in higher education for students with disabilities. The course will begin with a historical perspective of assistive technology as it relates to the academic success of its students. Students will be introduced to examples of assistive hardware, software and mobile devices through specific disabilities. Students will also be given the tools to advocate for AT devices at their campuses no matter their financial capability.

Based upon readings, class discussions, and assignments, students will:

  • Provide a working definition of assistive and emerging technology.
  • Understand the laws that govern the use of assistive technology in higher education.
  • Develop strategies for advising students with disabilities transitioning from high school about the assistive technology process in higher education.
  • Differentiate key AT categories by function, including high tech and low tech hardware and software.
  • Evaluate appropriate pieces of technology according to a student’s specific disability and academic needs.
  • Develop strategies for advising faculty on which accessible technologies they will use to supplement their courses.
  • Create an assistive technology institution-wide resource map of what the institution has currently compared with what a student might need.
  • Evaluate the accessibility of these resources and develop institutional assistive technology guidance or policies.
  • Research alternative financing and professional development for assistive technology needs.
  • Be aware of federal and state initiatives to support assistive technology. 

EPSY 5199: Independent Study in Education – Assistive Technology in Postsecondary Education (3-credits) Spring - REQUIRED

Co-instructors: Dr. Allison Lombardi/Tabitha Mancini

The course is offered through the University of Connecticut's Center on Postsecondary Education and Disability and runs in conjunction with the University of Connecticut’s eCampus. This course will introduce students to the world of assistive technology in higher education for students with disabilities. The course will begin with a historical perspective of assistive technology as it relates to the academic success of its students. Students will be introduced to examples of assistive hardware, software and mobile devices through specific disabilities. Students will also be given the tools to advocate for AT devices at their campuses no matter their financial capability.

Based upon readings, class discussions, and assignments, students will:

  • Provide a working definition of assistive and emerging technology.
  • Understand the laws that govern the use of assistive technology in higher education.
  • Develop strategies for advising students with disabilities transitioning from high school about the assistive technology process in higher education.
  • Differentiate key AT categories by function, including high tech and low tech hardware and software.
  • Evaluate appropriate pieces of technology according to a student’s specific disability and academic needs.
  • Develop strategies for advising faculty on which accessible technologies they will use to supplement their courses.
  • Create an assistive technology institution-wide resource map of what the institution has currently compared with what a student might need.
  • Evaluate the accessibility of these resources and develop institutional assistive technology guidance or policies.
  • Research alternative financing and professional development for assistive technology needs.
  • Be aware of federal and state initiatives to support assistive technology. 

EPSY 5092: Practicum (3-credits) - REQUIRED

This course is offered in conjunction with the annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute (PTI) and emphasizes the implementation and application of theory in the student’s area of specialization. It is recommended that students attend the PD Training Institute 4-day annual event one time throughout the program. The PTI is offered annually. Please check the PTI website to learn more.